9to5Mac April 04, 2024

Sponsored by Kolide: If a device isn’t secure, it can’t access your apps. It’s device trust for Okta. Visit kolide.com/appleatwork to learn more and watch a demo.

Two things are being discussed by every CIO, CEO, and board in 2024: security threats and the impact of AI. Today, companies are caught between a rock and a hard place, grappling with the need to safeguard their operations without hampering their ability to get things done and stay ahead of the competition. This clash between security measures and the pursuit of productivity is nothing new. Still, it’s become more pressing than ever, thanks to increased cyber threats and the rapid growth of generative AI.

more… 固定链接 'Apple @ Work: Balancing security and productivity in the age of Al' 提交: April 3, 2024, 5:00am CST 由 Bradley Chambers